
Accelerating Revenue and Margin

Revenue Acceleration

Go-to-market, Sales strategy, Channel optimization

Margin Enhancement

Optimized OpEx, Pricing strategy, Marketing ROI

Product Strategy

Category management, Product positioning, New product launches

DTC / Ecommerce

Digital marketing, Performance media, Website, Conversion, Email, Martech


New Channels, Marketplaces, Wholesale, Retail, Partnerships, International Expansion


Brand identity alignment, Brand positioning, Top of funnel strategy

Customer Growth

Customer acquisition, Customer retention

Team Development

Organizational efficiency, Hiring top talent, Coaching teams


P&L management, Forecasting, Benchmarks, Analytics, Marketing research, Dashboards

Marketing Advisor Liz Dolinski

What are your objectives?

Let’s chat about the challenges you face and what outcomes you want to achieve over the next year or three


Frequently Asked Questions

Working with a new resource can be both exciting and nerve wracking. Let’s make sure we are a good fit:

What size company do you advise?

My sweet spot is lower middle market companies – consumer-oriented firms with $10m – $500m of revenue. I take projects out of that range when a company is looking to cultivate an entrepreneurial approach – for example, helping launch a division within a larger company.

What’s your industry focus?

I focus on businesses where success hinges on appealing to end consumers. My deepest experience is in consumer goods, retail, media, consumer technology and consumer finance. I also have a fair amount of experience in travel, health, and education.

Can you guarantee you will increase our revenue?

Until I’ve done a full audit and we’ve collaborated on strategy, it’s impossible to forecast revenue. For example, it’s plausible that you need to focus on improving EBITDA before you think about accelerating growth (many founders don’t want to hear that!). What I can promise you is that together we’ll develop plans that are ambitious yet achievable.

What’s your rate?

This depends on the scope of your needs. Factors that typically affect my rate are the length and depth of the assignment, on-site versus remote, and whether an equity compensation component is available.

Get in Touch


lizdolinski at gmail dot com

Introductory call

20 minute phone call to discuss a project

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